Full Steam Ahead: Exploring RailModeller Pro in Our First Podcast
We're stepping into uncharted territory today by launching our very first podcast episode! And to make things even more interesting, we've generated this audio content with the help of AI technology from our user guide to RailModeller Pro.
This experimental podcast offers an exploration of the app's key features, including:
- Central drawing canvas for creating and editing layouts
- Library catalog of track pieces categorized by scale, type, and brand
- Layer system for organizing the design
- Baseboard assistant and customization tools
- Track customization options
- Multiple viewing options
- Part list and inventory management
- Advanced editing capabilities
As this is an AI-assisted production, we encourage listeners to approach it with a healthy dose of curiosity - and a large grain of salt. However, whether new to the app or a long-time user, listeners might still learn something they didn't know about RailModeller Pro.
Learn about RailModeller Pro 6.4 in this dedicated article.
RailModeller Pro 6.4 requires macOS High Sierra (10.13) or newer and is a free update for users of the app.
RailModeller Pro is available exclusively on the Mac App Store.
The macOS Software Update mechanism takes care of automatically updating the app, providing users with the latest versions.